'And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.' - Romans 5 vs 5

Observe these words;

  • The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost

There are Christians who say "I don't forgive easily, I can be difficult to put up with, I think I'm not the kind type of person, I'm not the gentle type, I don't tolerate nonsense" and all of such speaking. They sincerely admit that that's who they are. But you know what, all such description of a Christian concerning himself are not true, they are a lie. We have been informed by the Word that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. The word "shed" means "to pour", to pour out. So he says that the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! Also note that he says that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost: that means it has been done, the love of God has been shed in our hearts; it's not what God is going to do, neither is it what God will do if we ask Him, but His love has been shed in our hearts by His Spirit already. Waow! That means that the Believer is full of love! You may not feel it, but brother, sister, you are full of love; God's love is right there in your heart. Glory to God. You see, you need to accept and acknowledge this reality of yours in Christ, as this is where your true transformation to walking in love starts. - Think on this

Dearly beloved, if you ever met a difficult person, if you ever had to deal with an annoying person, all you have to do is to realise that the love you need to put up with him or her has been supplied you already by the Holy Ghost; the love you need to put up with that fellow has long been poured into you already by the Holy Ghost. Waow! That's what he's talking about; the love of God is (has been) shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. - Think about it

Dearly beloved of God in Christ Jesus, know this day that there is nobody you cannot love, because the love you need to love them is not of you, it's the love of God the Father poured out into your heart; He has shed it abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost that He has given to you. Therefore today, expect to see the love of God flow through you, and be conscious of God's love working within you. Begin to say "I am kind, I am gentle, I am a gentle person, I am a kind person, I forgive men generously, my reactions to men's misconducts towards me are love soaked because God has supplied my heart with love for all circumstance and situations." Hallelujah!

Since God has supplied my heart with love for all circumstance and situations, it means that there will never be a person that I will not like, there will never be a person I hate, there will never be a person I keep malice against, there will never be a person I hold unforgiveness against, there will never be a person I hold a grudge against, there will never be a person I have bitterness for. Oo glory to God. You see... The love of God makes the difference in the Believer's conduct. - Selah

Dearly beloved, be conscious of the stirring of the love of God in your heart - that is the work of the Holy Ghost; He is the one stirring up softness in your heart at the time when you want to give a fellow a piece of your mind; He is the one causing you to want to walk away when you actually want to put up a fight; He is the one causing you to shut your mouth and bear the harshness of someone's words spoken to you, when actually you want to spew out venom in response to what the person has said to you. Yield my friend, yield to the work of the Holy Spirit, the work of love! He's carrying out this work in you.

Recognize today that the love of the Father is resident in your heart, and deliberately take steps and actions of love towards men from the consciousness of that reality which you have in Christ Jesus. Glory be to God forever. Amen.

'...the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.' - Romans 5 vs 5 {KJV}

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

- Jenning U. Angel