'O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.' - Psalm 34 vs 8

The Spirit of God began to minister to my heart about the lamentations of many of God's people, how they say "oo why did this happen to me" "but why me" and lamentations of such. I began to cogitate on these thoughts as follows;

If you weren't depressed, how would you have known that God delivers? If you weren't heavy in heart, how would you have testified that the Lord heals? If you were not traumatised, how would you have seen that He is the God of all comforts? If you never got into trouble, how can you attest that God saves?

Are you now to desire problems in your life? No! But these thoughts are to let you see how that truly, all things work together for good to all who are in Christ Jesus;

'And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.' - Romans 8 vs 28 {KJV}
  • all things
When God finally delivers you from the pain or trouble, then your heart truly see His goodness, and God's love becomes a personal experience to you and not just a mere saying. - Think on these words

David said, Taste and see that the Lord is good. How would you have tasted and testified that the Lord is good if you never encountered any hitch? Anyone can say the Lord is good, but it's different when that goodness is experienced; that assurance! That certainty and personal knowledge that God is truly good! - Think about it

The Spirit of God has stirred me to send this word to you, to minister hope and strength to your heart, as you patiently look to the Lord to bring you out of your present distress.

God is with you.

- Jenning U. Angel