Greetings to you dearly beloved of God in Christ Jesus. Let me begin by saying this to you, The God that the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to us as written in the Bible is not angry with the wicked at all. Patiently read.
Let us look into this subject in the light of Scriptures, and understand what the Bible actually says on this subject, hence come to a safe and clear conclusion. So let's examine our opening scripture:
'God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.' - Psalm 7 vs 11 {KJV}
- God is angry with the wicked every day
Beloved, I want to show you another portion of the Bible - the words of the Lord Jesus, and I want you to think through these two Bible passages and see if they agree with each other. Okay let's go:
'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' - John 3 vs 16 {KJV}
- For God so loved the world
Dearly beloved, how can God be angry with the wicked every day, and at the same time so love the wicked? - Think. Anger and love don't mix. How can someone who is angry with another every day also be found loving that same person so much? That's inconsistent, and the height of inconsistency! - Selah
To be angry with someone means to hold resentment and wrath against someone. To be angry with someone is to disassociate with someone for the period of your anger. So how can someone who is disassociated with another every day be so loving the same person? Inconsistent! This means that we must thoroughly investigate our opening Scripture, to know what it actually said. So let's re-examine our opening Scripture:
'God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.' - Psalm 7 vs 11 {KJV}
I think that the King James style of translating this verse is the reason for the misunderstanding of it. Because having understood the nature of God in the light of the words of the Lord Jesus, we can boldly say that the King James translation didn't precisely translate the communication of this verse. So let's see this verse of scripture from the Amplified Bible Translation:
'God is a righteous Judge, yes, a God Who is indignant every day.' - Psalm 7 vs 11 {AMP}
Uhmmm. Here it says, God is indignant. What does that mean? The English Dictionary definition of indignant means 'Showing anger or indignation, especially at something unjust or wrong.' Waow. Having known the nature of God from the words of the Lord Jesus Christ as seen in John 3 vs 16 that God so loved the world (wicked people), we can attest that the Amplified Bible Translation of Psalm 7 vs 11 is a more perfect translation of this verse than the King James. - Think about it
What Psalm 7 vs 11 (our opening Scripture) says is that God is angry at the wickedness of men every day. It's not the men He is angry with every day, it's their wicked practices He is angry at every day. Clear clear clear? Yea it's clear.
How could God be so loving the people who He is angry with every day? Never! You can now see that to say that God is angry with the wicked every day is an inconsistent and untrue explanation of the character of God.
God hates the sins of men, but He loves the sinner; He wants the sinner saved, He provides for the sinner, He gives the sinner good gifts - yes He gives the sinners good things; the Lord Jesus showed that in a few words. Let's read it:
'That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.' - Matthew 5 vs 45 {KJV}
- He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good
- He sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust
These words of the Lord shows that God blesses not only the righteous, but He also blesses the sinners. Isn't that amazing... - Think about that
How could God be angry with the wicked every day and at the same time be so loving them, so much that He even blesses them? - Think about it. May God give you understanding. Amen.
God is with you.
- Jenning U. Angel
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