One time the Lord said to me, Why do you worry over things you have no power over? Why are you worn out and torn apart by this that you have absolutely no power nor control over?
Think about it
Dearly beloved, are you in a place in life right now, where you continually behold the valley of death, you are steadily hit by the overwhelming thoughts of suicide and death; you cannot take it again, you cannot live with these feelings and pain again, it's too painful living with this trauma; no you can't take this no more! Beloved, is this you? I ask you the same question the Lord asked me which stilled the waters; Why do you worry over this that you have no power over? Why are you torn apart and worn out by this happening that you have no power over? - Think about it
- Have you lost a loved one, an irreplaceable loved one? You owed him/her promises you never got to fulfil? You never saw this person before he/she passed on? You never got the chance to apologize to this person before he/she passed on? You never got to say ‘Thank You’ to him or her before the person passed on? or it can be any other loss that you overwhelmingly desire you have back, but it's impossible.
Beloved, what ever is the happening that has brought that killer trauma into your mind, consider what the Lord asked me, as even seen in our opening Bible passage,
'If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?' - Luke 12 vs 26 {KJV}
Let's see the previous verse to know what that least thing is the Lord talked about;
'And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?' - verse 25
If you add these two verse together, you will understand what the Lord was communicating - He was saying, if you cannot increase in your stature by having thoughts/worries, why are you worried/torn apart by things you have no power over? You see, that's what He meant by "why take you thought for the rest?" as seen in our opening Bible verse {verse 26}. - Think about it
"Why do you worry over this happening that you have no power over? Why are you torn apart and worn out by this happening that you have no power nor control over?"
Take some time and reflect on this word. Ponder on it, let it breed light in you. Now, I have some tasks for you to participate in;
Identify the following;
- What exactly is the reason I am facing this trauma? (Single out what the problem is)
- What can I do to change this situation? (Many times, we wish we could change the hands of time, which is impossible). If you realize you can do nothing about what has happened, then consider the next point,
- Why do I worry over what I have no power over? Why am I torn apart by something that I have no power nor control over?
Uhmmm. If you've participated in this task, your healing is already within you. I want you to recognize that it was Jesus (the Prince of peace) that said the words in our opening Bible passage. Meaning, He is aware that people are going through stuffs like what you are going through, whereby they have regrets and wishes to change the hands of time and see things done differently to their advantage; and the impossibility of that induces an unexplainable lethal trauma in their mind, which has sent many into the suicide way. The Lord is aware of these things, hence, He gives the solution to such like situations in few words,
"Why worry over things you have no power over?"
If possible beloved, I urge you to go over these words again, it will bring you help and understanding in a deep seated way. God is with you, and He is the strength of your life. Amen.
- Jenning U. Angel
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