'But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.' - John 14 vs 26

Many Believers are depressed, not knowing what to do. Yet, they have been baptized with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is in them, yet they are depressed. Why? Because they lack the knowledge of Christ in them.

'And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.' - John 8 vs 32 {KJV}

It's by the knowledge of the TRUTH that a man gives room for the Holy Spirit to bring him into liberty in Christ. The Holy Spirit handles the Truth of Christ resident in the Believers to melt out the depression and darkness in the Believer's heart and mind.

The knowledge of the TRUTH in a Believer is the activation of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in that Believer for the Believer. - Selah. Let's take a look at our opening Bible passage;

'But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.' - John 14 vs 26 {KJV}


You see, the Lord makes plain here what the ministry of the Holy Spirit would be for the Believers. He makes it clear that the Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance the things He has said to us. Take note that the bringing back to remembrance the word of the Lord to the Believer is one of the ministries of the Holy Spirit, and that is the particular ministry I am addressing in this teaching. There are other ministries of the Holy Spirit which He carries out in the Believers in Christ. For example, the Lord said (in that verse above) that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things - that's another ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Believer. But in this teaching, I am talking about the Holy Spirit's ministry of remembrance in the Believer. Okay. So that means that the Holy Spirit does not minister to a man new words, but He ministers to a man the written words of Christ. That simply means, if a Believer does not have the knowledge of the written Word in his heart, the Holy Spirit cannot minister remembrance to that Believer. Hence, that Believer will walk in confusion, grief, frustration, not knowing what to do or how to overcome a situation, yet the Holy Spirit is inside of him - his lack of knowledge of the written Word has made the ministry (of bringing to remembrance) of the Holy Spirit in him non-operational. - Selah

You see, many times, all we need to be free from certain burdens that attack our hearts is the reminder of God's grace towards us. Many times, what we need to be free from restlessness which troubles our hearts and minds is the reminder of God's goodness. Many times, what we need to be free from anxiety and worries which trouble our hearts and minds is the reminder of God's love towards us. That's all, and we will be free and dwell in Peace. Absolute peace! This is why the Lord sent us the Holy Spirit, so that He can carry out that ministry in us, bringing to our remembrance the words of the Lord which reveals the goodness, love, grace and mercy of God in our hearts, and by the Word, we are healed of our pains, and free from all burdens. Glory to God. How then can a Believer experience this gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit if he has not the words of Christ dwelling richly in his heart? - Selah

'Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom...' - Colossians 3 vs 16a {KJV}

- Selah

The Holy Spirit does not leave a Believer who commits sin. It's the ignorance of the knowledge of Christ and His finished work of Salvation in such Believer that makes his heart empty and void of peace and liberty. Let him go for knowledge - the knowledge of the TRUTH. The Holy Spirit works with knowledge. No knowledge of Christ in a Believer? then that Believer will not experience the ministry of the Holy Spirit that brings to the remembrance of the Believer the graciousness of the Lord. You see that... - Selah

Dearly beloved, go for knowledge - the knowledge of the TRUTH, the knowledge of Christ, the knowledge of Christ's finished work of Salvation for man.

God has blessed you.
- Jenning U. Angel