Greetings Dearly Beloved in the Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. I Trust that the SPIRIT of GOD will bring you hope, understanding and comfort as you read through the Words of this Article. AMEN.
Our opening Bible Passage is the scenario that took place about the Crucifixion of the Blessed LORD JESUS on the Cross, how HE said, It is finished. Now that sentence "It is finished" in the Greek is given as one word and not as English has it in three (3) words, and that word is "Tetelestai". This word has been used in different fields of endeavors among the Jewish community. It was used in Business, which meant "The debt is fully paid"; It was also used in Judgement, as in, the court system, which meant "The sentence is fully served"; It was also used as a Military term, which meant "The battle has been fully won."
So when JESUS said "It is finished", He spoke concerning three (3) distinct categories as concerning us (mankind);
- Your debt of sin is fully paid.
- The sentence for punishment and judgement for us for what we deserve, the time of being in bondage has been fully served.
- And the battle against the devil and sin and all the enemies of sicknesses and diseases and viruses, the battle has been fully won.
'He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he made us completely well.' - Isaiah 53 vs 5 {Contemporary English Version}
Therefore dearly Beloved, rest in the Finished Work on the Cross. This I say to you by the Word of the LORD, Rest. It is finished. Tetelestai! Your debt is fully paid, your sentence is fully served, victory is fully won (the battle is fully won), and you have the Victory! in CHRIST JESUS. AMEN! Hallelujah!
GOD is with you.
- Jenning U. Angel
Beautiful.. I'm blessed
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