'Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross and follow me.' - Matthew 16 vs 24 {Contemporary English Version}

Hello Beloved in the LORD JESUS. I Thank GOD for bringing you to this Page where you are receiving HIS Words right now, which will set you on the course of GOD, and guide you in the way of Salvation. Be Blessed, Instructed and Renewed in the Spirit of your mind even as you read through this Article and even others. AMEN. GOD is with you.

These Words came to me as Prophecy from the LORD concerning HIS Ministers in the Earth of which I am one. Yea. Now listen Beloved. If you are a Minister of the Gospel reading this right now, then beautiful, you are at the right place just at the right time receiving the now Word from GOD to you as concerning your Work which you do for the LORD. So, I will be communicating the Words right here as Prophecy, and not necessarily as Teaching. Okay.

"The LORD sees your struggles, HE sees your sufferings, HE sees how you are trying and making efforts to advance your Work for HIM to reach more Souls and reap more harvest in and for the KINGDOM; The LORD sees your present challenges, and HE clearly sees the hindrances that wall in front of you."

But the LORD will have you know that Ministry is labour: and in labour there is pain, labour is not an all sweet task. Our opening Passage refers to Ministry as a Cross, a personal cross which the Minister has to carry as HE Follows the LORD in the Work of Ministry. Remember, that statement as we see in our opening Bible Passage was a Word the LORD spoke to HIS Disciples, who were HIS Ministers, they were Ministers in the Ministry of JESUS, who were destined to continue the Ministry here on Earth when the LORD had ascended back into Heaven. So in a paraphrase, HE told them, "If you will be my Ministers (Disciples), you must forget about yourselves, you must take up your cross (keep moving despite the challenges and persecutions whatsoever) and Follow me." You see it?... - Selah

The LORD says to you Sir/Ma to Keep moving! Despite the challenges, keep moving in Ministry, keep doing those small things you do for the LORD, for they count before HIM. That small thing you are doing for the LORD which you are not even satisfied with, but you don't seem to have the means to push it big into the next level; yet keep doing that small thing! Yes, keep at it. This is the LORD'S Word to you, to HIS Ministers.

'For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.' - Hebrews 6 vs 10 {KJV}

The LORD takes note of that Work, that little Work, that little effort, yes HE does know about it, hence HE says "Keep doing it! Keep at it!"

May GOD Bless HIS Word in your Heart and Strengthen you to keep moving for HIM. AMEN.

GOD Bless you.
- Jenning U. Angel

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