'And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.' - Acts 13 vs 39
Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD JESUS. On the subject of GOD'S Justification for the Believer in CHRIST, there have been cases of Believers asking questions, wondering if they have as well received Justification from GOD for this their offence (a particular offence which they have committed, and they battle with the yoke/weight of the offence in their Hearts and mind). So the SPIRIT OF GOD have asked and moved me to put up this Article, so you can look at your life in GOD'S Mirror and see/behold what GOD Truly thinks of you in this your current state.
Okay. Let's do it like this. Bring to your mind that mistake, that grievous mistake of yours that wrestles and battles your soul, bring it to mind now. Okay, having brought it to mind, look at this;
'And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.' - Acts 13 vs 39 {KJV}
I like you to read this portion slowly and intentionally. We are told and as well informed that all that Believe in the Saviour JESUS are Justified from all things. Wait a minute, think about that. It says ALL THINGS! This is the WORD of the LORD not the word of man, so pay attention. To Justify means to Judicially declare a person or a group of persons not guilty. Think about it, not guilty! - Selah
Now Dearly Beloved, what does the LORD say to you in this? Submit your Heart to the Authority of the WORD, submit your mind to the Authority of the WORD, submit yourself to the Authority of the WORD, submit your belief to the Authority of the WORD. Say yes to the WORD. And you know what?, sometimes it looks so too good to be true, because the natural mind cannot imagine neither comprehend that you who have done so great an offence is seen as not guilty to GOD! What?!! The natural mind cannot take that, and that's the reason for the battle of burden you feel in your soul even when you know that you have received Justification in CHRIST for your offences. But you see, today, GOD wants you not just to know that you have received Justification for your offences, but to know and have this in your cautiousness that you have received Justification from GOD for all your offences; all and not some, all! - Selah
As you give yourself to this Truth and agree with It (even the WORD), you will find out that your burdens are taken away, and you are being filled with the Peace of GOD and Assurance of Salvation. Glory to GOD Forever more. AMEN.
The Grace of GOD be with your Spirit.
- Jenning U. Angel
Become a Pastor Jenning Online Ambassador by sharing the contents of this Blog on your social media networks. Doing so makes our Publications reach a larger audience and achieve even more impart for the LORD JESUS CHRIST. AMEN. GOD Bless you.
Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD JESUS. On the subject of GOD'S Justification for the Believer in CHRIST, there have been cases of Believers asking questions, wondering if they have as well received Justification from GOD for this their offence (a particular offence which they have committed, and they battle with the yoke/weight of the offence in their Hearts and mind). So the SPIRIT OF GOD have asked and moved me to put up this Article, so you can look at your life in GOD'S Mirror and see/behold what GOD Truly thinks of you in this your current state.
Okay. Let's do it like this. Bring to your mind that mistake, that grievous mistake of yours that wrestles and battles your soul, bring it to mind now. Okay, having brought it to mind, look at this;
'And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.' - Acts 13 vs 39 {KJV}
I like you to read this portion slowly and intentionally. We are told and as well informed that all that Believe in the Saviour JESUS are Justified from all things. Wait a minute, think about that. It says ALL THINGS! This is the WORD of the LORD not the word of man, so pay attention. To Justify means to Judicially declare a person or a group of persons not guilty. Think about it, not guilty! - Selah
Now Dearly Beloved, what does the LORD say to you in this? Submit your Heart to the Authority of the WORD, submit your mind to the Authority of the WORD, submit yourself to the Authority of the WORD, submit your belief to the Authority of the WORD. Say yes to the WORD. And you know what?, sometimes it looks so too good to be true, because the natural mind cannot imagine neither comprehend that you who have done so great an offence is seen as not guilty to GOD! What?!! The natural mind cannot take that, and that's the reason for the battle of burden you feel in your soul even when you know that you have received Justification in CHRIST for your offences. But you see, today, GOD wants you not just to know that you have received Justification for your offences, but to know and have this in your cautiousness that you have received Justification from GOD for all your offences; all and not some, all! - Selah
As you give yourself to this Truth and agree with It (even the WORD), you will find out that your burdens are taken away, and you are being filled with the Peace of GOD and Assurance of Salvation. Glory to GOD Forever more. AMEN.
The Grace of GOD be with your Spirit.
- Jenning U. Angel
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Become a Pastor Jenning Online Ambassador by sharing the contents of this Blog on your social media networks. Doing so makes our Publications reach a larger audience and achieve even more impart for the LORD JESUS CHRIST. AMEN. GOD Bless you.
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