Hello Dearly Beloved, be Blessed and upgraded in Knowledge and Revelation of GOD and JESUS the LORD as you go through the writings of this Article. Be Gloriously Lifted! AMEN.

Now Beloved, one thing you have to know in interpreting the Parables of JESUS, whether this Parable that we are seeing into right now, or any other parable which HE gave, one thing you must note is that, the Parables of JESUS are or were all about the Establishment of the Kingdom (New Testament) on the Earth which HE came to do/establish in the Earth. Remember that as at that time HE gave the Parables HE hadn't died and resurrected so HE couldn't reveal plainly to the people the message of the Grace of GOD because inasmuch as HE hadn't died and resurrected, it was still the era and jurisdiction of the Law, hence, nothing else should be made known apart from the Law. So therefore HE encoded the Grace of GOD in Parables. That's why HE told the Disciples that when the SPIRIT comes, HE will guide them (us) into all TRUTHS. This therefore connotes that the parables of JESUS should not be interpreted literally because the meanings don't appear as literal as the parables sound.

Now let's see the Revelation embedded in this Parable as seen in Matthew 20 vs 1 - 16. This is the pattern I will use for the interpretation of it, I will copy a verse of the the Chapter, and I will write out the interpretation underneath it. Okay?. Ok.


1. For the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of an estate who went out in the morning along with the dawn to hire workmen for his vineyard.

- The owner of the Estate is GOD

- The workmen are the men in the world - The vineyard is CHRIST (The Kingdom of GOD) "CHRIST is both a Person and a Place.

2. After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.

These first set of labourers that the owner of the estate (GOD) agreed with are the Jews, who are the first set of people according to the Bible to be called "People of GOD".

3. And going out about the third hour (nine o’clock), he saw others standing idle in the marketplace;

4. And he said to them, You go also into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will pay you. And they went.

5. He went out again about the sixth hour (noon), and the ninth hour (three o’clock) he did the same.

6. And about the eleventh hour (five o’clock) he went out and found still others standing around, and said to them, Why do you stand here idle all day?

7. They answered him, Because nobody has hired us. He told them, You go out into the vineyard also and you will get whatever is just and fair.

8. When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, Call the workmen and pay them their wages, beginning with the last and ending with the first.

Now from verse 3 to verse 8, you see that the owner of the estate went out at different times and hired men to go work in HIS Vineyard. But something happened in the verse 8 to the verse 12. See it;

8. When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, Call the workmen and pay them their wages, beginning with the last and ending with the first.

9. And those who had been hired at the eleventh hour (five o’clock) came and received a denarius each.

10. Now when the first came, they supposed they would get more, but each of them also received a denarius.

11. And when they received it, they grumbled at the owner of the estate,

12. Saying, These [men] who came last worked no more than an hour, and yet you have made them rank with us who have borne the burden and the scorching heat of the day.

If you read through verse 8 to verse 12, you will notice that they were all paid the same amount, both those that started earlier than the others were paid the same thing. Waow! Beautiful. And the first workers who started the work earlier than the othes complained. The others came in to join them after man hours later, these first set of workers that complained that why were you they paid the same amount started work in the morning, now if you read the parable very well, you will notice that other workers, some joined the first set of workers in the evening. The first workers had worked and laboured under the sun, and these other set of workers came in in the cool of the day, and now they are been paid the same thing and they complained. Hahahaha. You know somebody might say, well they have a good reason to grumble and complain after all they've likely done most of the job, and they bore the heat of the day. Well, this is what the owner of the estate that hired them had to say, verse 13;

'But he answered one of them, Friend, I am doing you no injustice. Did you not agree with me for a denarius?'

Waow! HE told them that HE does them no injustice. That must mean that there's something about this parable we need to know. Now in unravelling the mystery of this parable, we have to visit the writing of the Apostle Paul, and from there we will get our explanation. Let's see Ephesians 2 vs 8;

'For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation) through [your] faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [of your own doing, it came not through your striving], but it is the gift of God...' - {AMPLIFIED BIBLE TRANSLATION}

Now, this parable we have just seen is a parable that reveals the Grace of GOD unto Salvation. By that parable the LORD JESUS makes it clear and known that both the Jew who were the people of GOD and the Gentiles/Heathen who were the strangers and abomination are given the same Righteousness in CHRIST. It doesn't matter if you are a Jew, it doesn't matter that GOD made a covenant with you and made you a special people, once you been a Jew and a Gentile been an outcast and abomination receive the SON OF GOD, you both are given the same Gift of Righteousness; no partiality, and no preference, but one in the LORD. Glory to GOD.

You can see now why those first set of Labourers grumbled that they received the same wages with the other guys who came in far much later who didn't even work up to one hour. vs 12. This is the Grace of GOD. I Thank GOD for Grace. So by this, you see that the pride of the Jew is taken away, and the shame of the Gentile/Heathen is taken away as well. While the Jew feels humbled, the Gentile/Heathen feels exalted. That's the interpretation of the verse 26;

'So those who [now] are last will be first [then], and those who [now] are first will be last [then]. For many are called, but few chosen.'

Who are the many called, the whole world (which includes the Jew and the Gentile/Heathen); who are the few chosen, those who choose to receive the SON as their Life and Salvation, those who Believe, those who have the SON (JESUS); they are the chosen of GOD because they Believe.

By this Parable, GOD makes it clear that it's all about HIS SON "JESUS".

GOD Bless You.🌹
- Jenning U. Angel