'For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.' - Galatians 3 vs 27
Hi Beloved. Be Inspired and Blessed by this piece of Revelation of CHRIST. GOD Bless You.
Long ago, I have heard Preachers say to us to have our Garments of Righteousness spotless, because GOD will not spare a spotted garment. And that left an impression in my heart as to the fact that I have to work very hard to ensure I am sinless in this world. "What a dream"! But our opening passage denotes a sound Truth, it says that we have put on CHRIST! That sounds like putting on a cloth.
'Let your garments be always white; and let your head lack no ointment.' - Ecclesiastes 9 vs 8 {KJV}
It says let our garments be always white. Now the construction is this, CHRIST is our Garment. It says that we have put on Christ, that gives us an idea of what Christ represents to the Believer, CHRIST has become to us our Garment of Righteousness. The Bible already told us that CHRIST is our Righteousness, that implies that our opening passage means that we have put on Righteousness. Hallelujah! That shows us how CHRIST is our Garment of Righteousness. So come to think of it, if JESUS is our Garment of Righteousness, how white is our Garment? How shinning is it? There's nothing we can do to attain such wholeness and pureness, it's all about who HE is; HE is Righteousness, that tells me how Perfectly Righteous I am before the FATHER. Yes! That's exactly how perfect the FATHER sees you and me. This is the Gospel, this is why it's called Grace; it's a Favor we don't deserve nor merit, but thanks be unto GOD that HE has given it! AMEN.
Be in Peace.
GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel
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