Someone asked, 'Pastor, how can you say that me who do sin and always make sinful mistakes is Righteous? Please I don't get it.' Hahaha. It's alright for anyone to ask that question. But in this brief teaching, you will get to see the Exchange that took place at the Cross of JESUS, which made that possible.
Let's take a look at our opening scripture, it says that JESUS who knew no sin was made sin. Uhmmm. So I will like to ask that fellow a question, 'How come that JESUS was made sin and called a sinner, yet HE actually wasn't a sinner neither had committed any sin?' - Selah. You see, that was the exchange that took place on the Cross. HE who knew no sin became sin, that we who knew no Righteousness can made Righteous. Hallelujah! You see it? So it's not a matter of whether you deserve to be called Righteous, it's a matter of the Exchange HE wrought for us on the Cross with HIS own Blood, it's a matter of what HE did for us. - Selah. HE didn't deserve to be called Sin, but that's what HE got. Likewise, we don't deserve to be called Righteous, but that's what we get; because we Believe in HIM. It's that simple.
Enjoy the Grace Life.
GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel
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