'For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.' - Hebrews 10 vs 14
Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD JESUS. The Holy Spirit spoke these words into my heart today, and I knew I had to share it with you. It's brief. Be Lifted.
There is an urgent call in the realm of the Spirit to Believers to attain certain heights of Truths and Revelation, so as to live above the deceit that is currently in this world and even abounding. Many of us do judge our lives based on our performance, and because our performance are always not very good enough, we are left in pain, guilt, even depressed, not knowing what to do. So what's the way out? The way out is to see your self with the eyes of what JESUS has done for you on the Cross and not with the eyes of what you do, the way out is to judge our lives based on the perfection we have received from Christ as we see from our opening scripture, and not the perfection we try to put up with to no avail. - Selah. I like you to know this; what our opening scripture is talking about in a nutshell is that Christ has perfected all those that Believe in HIM. That's the message that portion is conveying. Okay.
Now, this is how to judge yourself according to Grace: You told a lie, accept you lied, then declare you don't lie. Why? Because if you have been Perfected by JESUS' Blood, how could a perfect man tell a lie? That's the beginning of Peace. You fell into fornication, accept the act, you did it, then declare you don't fornicate. Why? Because if you have been Perfected by JESUS' Blood, how could a perfect man fornicate? How does that happen? It's impossible. Let this be your Believe, and you will lead a life of Peace. I told you it's a brief talk, but there's so much Power in what I've just said to you, to relieve you out of any pain of sin. - Selah. This is the Revelation, this is the Grace that transform the lives of the Believers. This is the Grace that leads us in the way of Righteousness, and not a canal trying to be Righteous. That's self-righteousness.
GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel
Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD JESUS. The Holy Spirit spoke these words into my heart today, and I knew I had to share it with you. It's brief. Be Lifted.
There is an urgent call in the realm of the Spirit to Believers to attain certain heights of Truths and Revelation, so as to live above the deceit that is currently in this world and even abounding. Many of us do judge our lives based on our performance, and because our performance are always not very good enough, we are left in pain, guilt, even depressed, not knowing what to do. So what's the way out? The way out is to see your self with the eyes of what JESUS has done for you on the Cross and not with the eyes of what you do, the way out is to judge our lives based on the perfection we have received from Christ as we see from our opening scripture, and not the perfection we try to put up with to no avail. - Selah. I like you to know this; what our opening scripture is talking about in a nutshell is that Christ has perfected all those that Believe in HIM. That's the message that portion is conveying. Okay.
Now, this is how to judge yourself according to Grace: You told a lie, accept you lied, then declare you don't lie. Why? Because if you have been Perfected by JESUS' Blood, how could a perfect man tell a lie? That's the beginning of Peace. You fell into fornication, accept the act, you did it, then declare you don't fornicate. Why? Because if you have been Perfected by JESUS' Blood, how could a perfect man fornicate? How does that happen? It's impossible. Let this be your Believe, and you will lead a life of Peace. I told you it's a brief talk, but there's so much Power in what I've just said to you, to relieve you out of any pain of sin. - Selah. This is the Revelation, this is the Grace that transform the lives of the Believers. This is the Grace that leads us in the way of Righteousness, and not a canal trying to be Righteous. That's self-righteousness.
GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel
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