'And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.' - Hebrews 12 vs 24 

Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD Jesus, it's a honor and a privilege given me by GOD to bring  you HIS Word. What I share now is no new thing, but that which you've already known. Be refreshed.

Our opening scripture is an awesome passage of the Bible, it says that the Blood of our LORD Jesus Christ speaks of better things than the blood of Abel. Right there, a comparison comes to mind, the comparison between the Blood of the LORD and the blood of Abel. Abel was killed been innocent, the LORD was killed been innocent. But what's the difference? One cries judgement, the other cries Blessing. Hallelujah!

Beloved, God wants you well, God wants you at Peace, God wants you rich, God wants you prosperous. These and many more are the better things which the Blood of Christ speaks of for us. GOD wants you to know that HE's not responsible for any condemnation or accusation or depression currently going on in your mind. The Blood of Jesus Christ only stands for your Justification, Peace, Joy, Prosperity and Happiness. Anything contrary to these is not of GOD. - Selah

Therefore Beloved, you can trust GOD for anything good today, and be sure HE will give it to you because you are called by that Blood which speaks of better things (good and gracious things).

GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel