'Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.' - Galatians 6 vs 4 - 5 {THE MESSAGE BIBLE} 

Dearly Beloved, no man has need to be envious of another man. Every person has to understand that humans are on different class, and as a result of that, the success of each person will be fully measured by his class. For Example, the Lion & the Dog. These are two distinct animals on different classes. The measure you use to determine the success of a Lion cannot be the same measure you use for the Dog. Why? They are of different class.

The Dog has no need to be envious or jealous of the Lion. The Dog has no need to be envious of the wildness of the Lion. Because you see, because of the Lion's class, it rules and dominates the jungle, and that can be said to be the success/praise of the Lion, and because of the Dog's class, it champions domestically. Now a dog cannot or should not envy the Lion's dominance over the jungle, no, that's because there's a class difference. That therefore means the Dog will have to be content with his own success, and the Lion also, content with his own success. The Dog can be a success in the Dog life, likewise the Lion, a success in the Lion life. This is what you have to understand in life, that someone else is succeeding in life does not mean you are failing. No! That that fellow went through the University and you could not doesn't mean he is more successful than you are. No! At the level God has placed you, be a success. At the level/class God has placed you, champion over that level, king over it! You can be a success in the class GOD has placed you. - Selah. See what Galatians 6 vs 4 - 5 says;

'Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.' - {THE MESSAGE BIBLE}

You see, we are told not to compare ourselves with others, but HE says we should bring out the creative best in us. If you are a shoe maker, bring out the very best of shoe making and repairs in you, unleash your very best into that which you do, be the best of you in it, and you're a success! Never wish you were like someone else, it's like a Dog wishing to be the Lion, let then the Dog enter the jungle, and he will shockingly discover that he wasn't built to resist the Leopards, the Tigers, the Elephants and even the Wild Wolfs.

Be yourself, and be the best of you.

God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye