'God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.' - 1 Corinthians 1 vs 9

Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD Jesus Christ. There is a urgency in the Realm of the Spirit, and God is urging HIS children every where to come into a firm relationship with HIM for their growth in HIM especially because of the times we currently are in the world. Peace!

Our opening scripture depicts a life that so many Christians are not yet living in, and this life is the Fellowship with God life. Yes many Believe in Jesus Christ, Yes they've confessed HIM with their mouths as the LORD of their lives, hence they are saved. But they have not realized that they can have an active relationship with God, where they can share their weaknesses, imperfections and concerns with HIM as their loving Father, and have Peace at all times instead of condemnation in heart. - Selah

I want you to know this, the reason for the immeasurable mercy and eternal Grace that God poured on us isn't for nothing, it's so that we can come to love HIM more and know HIM more. Look at these two (2) dispensations;

Mr. A sins against God, and God punishes him according to the Law because he has broken the Law. The next time Mr. A sins, he is guilty and in guilt, expecting punishment. Why? Because according to the law, he is worthy of due punishment, and he is punished. 

I tell you, this Mr. A really does not want to know this God that will punish him when he fails, all he is concerned about is to just do what this God has said he should do and refrain from what this God has said he should refrain from. Right? Okay. Now let's see another dispensation;

Mr. B sins against God, and God says to him, I've already forgiven you, Relax! Mr. B sins against God continuously, instead of expecting punishment(s), this God says to him, why are you afraid? I have forgiven you already because of Jesus Christ. 

I tell you, this Mr. B will never feel guilty any time he sins, not because he is taking God for granted, but because it is impossible to have guilts under such a MERCY! Hallelujah! What a Grace, what a Mercy! I'm EXCITED! And I tell you, Mr. B wants to know this God who forgives lavishly before one sins. And that will bring him into intimacy with this God, and by Loving this God at such depths, suddenly, his life begins to conform to the will and desire to the God who he loves. Because naturally, I said naturally and I mean it, every one deliberately desire to please the one who he truly loves. - Selah

Dear Friend, these are the words the LORD has lead me to deliver to you, be lifted by it, and find yourself in the realm of fellowship with God where your love for HIM becomes indescribable by the unbelievers. O Glory to God. When you know what HE'S done for you, you will find yourself in the Realm. Keep been a follower of the Pastor Jenning Online Blog. Heaven is sure for you.

God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye