Hello Dearly Beloved, this piece of message is set forth by the Spirit of God to keep you encouraged and standing firm in the LORD. Be Blessed. AMEN.
Child of God, it is good to know that as children of God saved by Grace, it is a huge task on the side of the devil to draw us to destruction, seeing that our salvation is not by any means connected to our works but HIS work, and that's JESUS CHRIST. Hallelujah! Hence, Satan came up with a strategy to get saints come unto destruction. As I prayed to the LORD, I heard HIM reveal this satanic agenda to me, 'The devil is after their belief'! - Selah
Our opening Bible Passage states out an awesome line, and it states, but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. In other words, if our souls will be preserved unto the Kingdom of Heaven, all that is required is our believing. Nothing was added to that Bible Passage, it just says Believe! Not work for it, not strive for it, but believe to the saving of the soul. - Selah. Little wonder the verse 38 states that the just shall live by Faith. Faith and nothing more. Faith that Jesus Christ has washed, cleansed, forgiven and perfected you forever in the presence of the living God. Some one may say, but Pastor Jenning, my life doesn't look it; that's why you have to Believe it, that's why it's called Faith, the evidence of things not seen (things which are not physical realities). - Selah
The Spirit of God began to show me how satan gets Believers to focus on their weaknesses and errors, then begin to whisper to their hearts how impossible it is for them to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hence, little by little, doubts begin to creep in, and their Faith and Confidence which the LORD have asked us not to cast away {Hebrews 10 vs 35, Hebrews 3 vs 6, Hebrews 3 vs 14} begins to get weak!
But Beloved, the LORD wants you to stand firm because HIS coming is now nearer than we have heard since birth, and because of the times we are in presently in this world, it calls for standing strong. - Selah
'But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.' - Hebrews 3 vs 6 {KJV}
Note this, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. What's the Hope we are to hold rejoicing and confidently? The Hope is that we have been washed eternally by HIS Blood, and we have been accepted by God without conditions to our short comings which every believer do commit against HIM. What a Hope! What a Gospel! What a Jesus! Hallelujah... You know, just to think of HIS works, makes me laugh uncontrollably. That's the Joy unspeakable full of Glory the Bible talked about. Now, this is the Hope we are to hold confidently with rejoicing. Now mind you, God will never tell you to be confident if there would be no reason to be in doubt! You see? Your repeated weaknesses and errors may speak to you that you are unqualified for this Heaven or the goodness of the LORD; Hence, God informed us already so that we can stand confidently on this GRACE unwavering! - Selah
Stand Strong Beloved! An Excellent Kingdom awaits you in Heaven. Rejoice! That's the gift of God. Daily thank the FATHER in the Name of Jesus Christ for HIS marvelous Grace and Light shown towards you in Christ Jesus.
GOD has Blessed You.
- Jenning U. Angel
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