Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD Jesus Christ. It's a privilege given me by the LORD Jesus Christ to bring you HIS word, and not just HIS word only, but HIS timely word for the upliftment and salvation of your soul. I believe the LORD to bring healing to your heavy and hurting heart which have lingered now for a long time. Be Blessed. AMEN.
Our opening scripture is very heart warming and full of hope. It says that God is the God of all comfort. All comfort? Waow. That therefore means that no matter what the pain is that you are carrying currently in your heart, there can be healing for you, Peace can still be restored to you. Hallelujah! So right now, I want you to have courage and fore-see a hope for your Peace. - Selah
Now, I want to say something very practical of which sadly, even Christians not a few have not realized. There is a saying which states, 'Pain heals with time.' But I stand to make a correction to that statement, that pain not attended to, no matter the time it is left to be, will never be healed. For example, someone wounds his body to a fracture. If that person leaves his fractured body to be with the notion that it is going to get healed with time, I'm sorry he will have to see that wound go worse and the pain increase. - Selah. So it is with the wounds of the heart/conscience. When someone commits an sin and is now in guilt, or something has happened and this fellow is heavy, the person ought not to leave it to be, going about with pain and heaviness hoping that as the days go by they will go. No! Such pain, guilt or heaviness has to be addressed, treated just like that wound, so the healing process can commence. That's the reason for the topic, ADDRESSING THE PAST. Address the guilt, pain, heaviness. - Selah
9 ¶ And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
11 ¶ And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? - Genesis 3 vs 9 - 11 {KING JAMES VERSION}
When the LORD started talking to me on this, I began to realize that this is the reason why suddenly many Believers have become ineffective. Many no longer go to worship God in their Assemblies because there is a feeling within them that they are separated from God. This was the same and exact case with Adam. Many who were music leaders in their places of worship before they fell, after they fell, their activities was daunted. Suddenly, they are no longer committed, they will not even come to Church to worship. Many sit in their houses on a Sunday, why? Guilt! The feeling of guilt in the life of a Believer causes a separation from the presence of God. That fellow who loves to pray before suddenly don't feel like praying any more. - Selah! That fellow who loves to study the WORD before suddenly feels weak when attempting to open the Bible. - Selah! Why all these ineffectiveness? Guilt! It made Adam hide from the Presence of God, it is still making men hide from God's Loving Presence today. - Selah
You see why you must get rid of these things? Why do you think folks juSt climb up a bridge and fall head long? I tell you, depression and heaviness are the generators of these thoughts which finally yield deadly fruits. - Selah
How do you address the past? How do you address pain, guilt heaviness? You address them with the WORD of GOD. There is something God has said concerning that issue that you don't know, that if you come to know, at once you will have Peace. - Selah. Now, such words that match with your predicament must be diligently sought out for from the Scriptures; and that's what the Holy Spirit helps us do, by bringing the Word to our Remembrance, especially when we pray (in the Spirit). When the Word is found, healings process begins. - Selah
But I gladly announce to you that on this Blog, we have teachings which have brought many out of guilt, heaviness and depressions, and I gladly share some links with you now, in which the words your soul currently needs for it's Peace are embedded. I urge you to visit the below links, study them, apply them, and watch the PEACE of GOD flood into your heart. They are words tried out of the fire, Tested and Trusted. I am very convinced that you will come back rejoicing, having a testimony to share. AMEN.
Below are the Links;
Be Lifted!
God Bless You.
- Apostle Jenning Uweye
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