'God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?' - Numbers 23 vs 19

Greetings dearly beloved of God in Christ. I trust God to bless your heart by this Word which I bring you at this moment. Amen. The Spirit began talking to me on this, revealing the doubt many of God's children have concerning the WORD because they have not known the integrity of Him that has spoken it. In this teaching, I will be exhorting you briefly on the integrity of God. After this teaching, I see your prayers and requests receiving swift response. Amen. Be blessed.

Our opening scripture makes it clear, God is not a man! In other words, to tell lies is of men, but God is not a man. Meaning God cannot lie!  God cannot lie about what He says. In other words, when God says something, then that thing is for real. The scripture went further to tell us that when God says He will do a thing, He does it! O what integrity! - Selah

Now beloved, I will like you to know that man strongly believes in whatever he trusts. For example, if you met the president of your nation somehow, and you guys got talking, and he gave you access to him and promised to give you some money on the morrow, I tell you, you will believe that he will do even as he has said. Right? Yea. Why do you believe in him? Because of his personality. You automatically suppose his personality to have some integrity because he is the president of the nation, and you are excited. Another example is, imagine two people promising you to give you some money, one of them is a professor, and the other a road side mechanic; who would you have believe in more? I tell you, it's the professor. Not necessarily because the Prof has more money than the road side mechanic, but because of his personality - a professor. - Selah

Now, this is God talking to us, the One that created the whole universe, whose legs reaches unto the earth as a foot-stool, who formed you out of your mothers womb, who daily feeds man, animals, crops, and every living thing that lives upon the face of the earth. This same Personality told you to Ask, and it shall be given you, and you are doubting Him? - Selah. Can you now see how we miss it? We doubt the word of God because the greatness of His person has not dawned on us. The day it dawns on you that this is God talking, you will leap for joy for scriptures like; Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows - Isaiah 53 vs 4 | Ask, and it shall be given you - Matthew 7 vs 7 | In My name they shall cast out devils - Mark 16 vs 17 | The works that I do shall he do also - John 14 vs 12, you will suddenly come to see what an awesome life you have been called into in Christ. - Selah

Faith works when the knowledge of God's person is recognized. God is not man, God is GOD. Has He said it, He will surely do it. He's so great, His word is His integrity. Trust Him!


Now someone may want to say, "but Pastor, I have been trusting God's word, but it seems everything is delayed." Yea. There is such a thing as patience in our walk of faith. When your requests seems delayed, it does not mean God has failed neither does it mean God is not true to His word, no! It's simply one of the required process and necessary ingredient for the manifestation of our faith. I like you to know that patience is one of the characters of God, and every Christian must possess it.

'That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.' - Hebrews 6 vs 12 {KJV}

You see that? They inherited through faith and patience, and not faith alone. So you must have this mind in you never to count the delay of the Lord as failure, but as patience which worketh mighty results. For example, God has long told us in His word that He is coming again. And there was a time in the days of the Apostles when people began to doubt it because it seems delayed. Let's see it;

'The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.' - 2 Peter 3 vs 9 - 10 {KING JAMES VERSION}

You see that? Because of the seeming delay of His promise, some men count it as slackness (failure), but it's not so. The Lord is only exercising patience (which is His character) for the purpose of Salvation. The verse 10 affirms and assures us that the day of the Lord will surely come. So what do we do, we keep believing till it happens. That's the faith God wants in His children. The faith that stands because of the knowledge of the greatness of His person at heart. - Selah

Another good example is found in Luke 18 vs 7;

'And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?' - {KJV}

The Lord talking here indicates to us that God will avenge His children, though He bear long with them. Do you see that? From all these, it evident and clear that God works in patience. The Lord shows us here that God will answer them in patience. Maybe you have asked God for a job, and this is two years now, and still no job. Do you say God did not answer your prayer? Didn't He say in His word "Ask, and it shall be given you"? - Matthew 7 vs 7. Beloved, He heard your prayer(s) and already answered it. Now the delay you see is for something. Where we read from 2 Peter 3 vs 9, we saw where it said but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. In other words, the reason for His delayed coming is that men may receive more time for Salvation. That tells us that there's always a useful reason for His delays. Maybe there is a character He wants you to learn first before the job comes. Maybe He has seen that you would be sacked after 3 months of work as a result of ineffectiveness in a certain area, and He is training you for it. You see? During the period of delayed response, learn to see what God is doing! - Selah

'But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.' - James 1 vs 4 {KJV}

It will surely come, His word cannot fail. When patience has been fulfilled in you (According to His timing), it will surely come.

He is GOD! Trust Him.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

- Jenning U. Angel