Our opening scriptural chapter contains the story of Lazarus
that was dead. The verse informs us that when Lazarus was sick, his siblings
sent out to Jesus informing HIM that his friend was sick. Lazarus was Jesus’
friend. Waow. What a privilege. But what did we see? Jesus didn’t go to heal
him, and unfortunately, Lazarus died. Jesus did not come the first day, neither
the second, neither the third, but the fifth. When Jesus came to where Lazarus
was, HE found out that he was dead four days {Verse 17}. But in the verse 43, Jesus called him out from
the grave, and in the verse 44, there was a testimony and a mighty out-burst of
joy. Lazarus is Alive!
Child of God, God is always on-time, He’s never late! Be
encouraged by this little piece of exhortation. If you have held on to God’s
word since the beginning of that trial, now is not the best time to cast off
that confidence, that believing, that Faith. I want to point out something to
‘Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou
wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?’ – John 11 vs 40 {KJV}
The LORD made this statement while Lazarus was still dead.
Do you get something out of it? Even when all things now seem to have failed,
even when the doctor has confirmed the AIDS, even when your expectation now
seem to have been cut short, the LORD says to you, If you will believe (keep on
the believe) you will see the Glory of God.
Be Lifted!
God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye
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