Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD Jesus, this is not a new
teaching, but that which you have known already. This is to put you in
Remembrance of the awesome Grace you have received of the Lord Jesus. Read and
be Blessed.
There are two (2) statements underlined in our opening
scripture, the first is ‘in that day’,
and the second is ‘the yoke shall be
destroyed because of the anointing’. What day was the Prophet speaking
about? He was Prophesying concerning the days of Jesus Christ, our day, the days of the Spirit of liberty. He says, in those days, the
burden, the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Firstly, what
burden? What yoke shall be destroyed? The yoke there is the Law. Now, I want you to understand that the burden is not the
same as the yoke. He says the burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder,
while the yoke from off thy neck. Get this, the yoke is what inflicts burden.
It’s just like lifting a heavy weight, by reason of your lifting the heavy
weight, you become burdened with pain; because if you had not lifted the
weight, you wouldn’t have been in pain. – Selah. So it is in this case, because
the yoke is placed on the neck, the pain (burden) is felt on the shoulder. You
get me? Okay.
Now the yoke is the
Law, the burden is the Guilt!
‘They make hard laws and put great weights on men's
backs; but they themselves will not put a finger to them.’ – Matthew 23 vs 4
Here we clearly see that the yoke is the law, which men had
to carry. The KJV of that Bible verse tells us that they are grievous to be
borne. You see? Trying
to obey God’s Laws perfectly is like trying to jump to touch the roof of a 7
Story Building. – Selah
Now let’s see this;
‘Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith
to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the
world may become guilty before God.’ – Romans 3 vs 19 {KJV}
You see that? That all the world may become guilty before
God. Waow! So we see that the Law (Yoke) brings about Guilt (Burden). Why?
Seeing that you always fall short of God’s Righteous Commandments, your heart
and conscience becomes guilty and condemned before God.
But what good stuff do we have? What lively hope have we
got? That yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Obviously, if the
yoke is destroyed, then the burden is destroyed as well. And you know what? The
anointing there as used is translated from the Hebrew word <shemen>,
and shemen simply means Fatness. And
this anointing as used there is pointed to the Messiah. The Prophet is telling
us that when the Messiah comes, His fat anointing will swallow up the yoke. In
other words, when a man comes to the Messiah, no matter how much burden (guilt)
the yoke (Law) has inflicted on him, it is swallowed up. Waow!
Brother, Sister, be encouraged, the day you came to Christ,
the authority of the Law over you was withheld. Look at it, it says that the
yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. The Hebrew word for destroyed
as used there is , and chabal means to withhold. You see? So when you come to the Messiah, the authority
of the Law is withheld over you. You’re no longer subject to it, hence, you
can’t be held for breaking it. How can you be convicted over what you are not
subject to? Listen child of God, as Believers we are not convicted of sin
because we broke the Law, what Law? We are given no Law! {1 Timothy 1 vs 9}. But we are convicted of sin because we didn’t
yield to the leading of the Spirit. And when we are convicted, we are not in
the danger of Hell, no! You know why? Because we have received eternal
forgiveness! {Hebrews 10 vs 14}. But
when we are convicted, we corrected for the perfection of our walk on Earth as
the Awesome Sons and Daughters of God. O Hallelujah!
So, the Law has been withheld, hence, the Law can’t condemn
you anymore, because it’s existence over you has been terminated. The Law only
has right over the unbelievers in other to continuously reveal to them how
worthless, useless, ineffective, weak and sinful they are, thereby pointing
them to their Saviour Jesus, who has Justified them, and freed them from the Law
and it's burden only when theY Believe! – Selah
God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye
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