Hello Dearly Beloved, as I had fellowship in the presence of
the Holy Spirit, He spoke these words into my heart. And it is a word
specifically targeted to the Pastors and ministers in entire in the vineyard
of the living God. If you are not a Pastor or a minister reading this, still go
ahead with reading it, you will still be instructed by the Holy Ghost as you
read. But if you are a Pastor, give keen attention to what you are about to
read with an opened spirit as the Holy Spirit will pour instructions into your
heart. God Bless You.
Now, we are talking about the age and the message, in other
words, we are talking about the message for the age we are currently in, and
before we can know what that message is; we have to first look into the age we
are currently in. What all about this age? From our opening scripture, the Lord
Jesus prophetically depicted to us what this current age would look like, and
He said, because
iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. We are in
the era of iniquity, the era where the love of many Believers are waxing cold
and cold, and their lives are a dispensation of iniquity and all manner of
uncleanness. Jesus wasn’t speaking of the unbelievers when He said iniquity
shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold, no. But He was expressly
speaking of the church because in the first place, unbelievers have no love
(The love of God) in them, so what love do they have that now waxes cold? You
see? So the Lord was clearly speaking of the Believers, those that have
confessed His name and professed His majesty out of their mouths.
In our churches all around the world, there is a current
gross level of ineffectiveness, a situation where Brethren hide themselves, a
situation where the Brethren don’t wanna take up responsibilities in the house,
and here is the reason, Guilt and Condemnation which are as a result of
iniquity just in accordance of the words of the Master concerning them. Now I
talked about the Brethren hiding themselves in shame and condemnation, not
willing to be effective in the house, and now I wanna show you why with
‘And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the
garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the
presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.’ – Genesis 3 vs 8
You see that? That’s the story of Adam and his wife Eve
after they had committed the iniquity, the Bible declares that they hid
themselves from the presence of the Lord God. Why did they hide? Because they
were condemned! Condemnation!! And this is still the case in our present day
churches, condemnation and guilt have made a huge shipwreck of the
effectiveness and committed of the Brethren towards the Lord Himself and the
things of the Lord. Now, what is the cure for them? What therefore is the
divinely orchestrated message for this condemned age?
Some preacher can just hold on to the mic, mount the stage,
and begin to rail condemnation on the Brethren by his message, and hat makes
the whole matter worse. You that teach that men should stop sinning, you do
more harm than good in he real sense, because these people already know they
are sinners and it seems like they can’t change or stop it even when they are
frustrated with it. So by judging them with your message of works, you do much
more harm than good, and their ineffectiveness continues, and they wax more
cold in their love for God and in the things of Him. – Selah
Dearly Beloved, do you get my Phronesis? This then is the
message for the age;
‘This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am
chief’ – 1 Timothy 1 vs 15 {KJV}
Yes! This is it! What we must deal with in our churches is
not necessarily sin because where the Gospel of Grace is taught regularly, sin
can’t strive there. But what we must deal with with all seriousness is
condemnation, as nothing sponsors ineffectiveness and more unrighteousness as
The more we show them from the scriptures how forgiven they
are by God, how clean they are because of HIS Blood, and precious they are in
His sight, guilt is expelled from their conscience, the fears, the doubts, the
worries, and all such things as condemnations and accusations are gone from
their consciences, and once that is achieved, the love of God fills their
hearts producing joy, rest, and peace of mind. Under such elated state, they can be do anything and be anything for
the Lord. – Selah
Preachers, let’s stop the condemnation by our messages, but
rather, let us teach the true Gospel that liberates, that lifts, that fills
with joy, and above all, that saves!
The Gospel of Grace Rocks!
God Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel
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