Hello Beloved, as the topic goes, I wanna be exhorting you in the direction of the topic, and I trust that your life will be rightly positioned. Be Reproved.
Our opening scripture is an instruction and not a wish, we are
instructed by the Holy Ghost to rejoice with those who do rejoice. Let me say
this clear, when God does something for your neighbor, it literally means that
God is in you neighborhood. – Selah. Therefore, celebrate with that one,
celebrate with that fellow who has just obtained something good from the LORD,
and I;m sure that it’s soon to be yours.
You know in life, we find certain things we so dearly desire
freely and lavishly in the hands of others, as children of God, we are not
to envy these ones ore get bitter about them, no! But we are to celebrate them,
celebrate that which is with them which is your desire, and that way, you are
aligning yourself to obtaining that same thing. – Selah
Maybe it is a spiritual gift you desire and yet to receive
from the MOST HIGH, and here comes a brother operating expressly in that Gift,
don’t get jealous or envious, no! If you do, there are 99.9% chances that it
will never come to you. But instead, celebrate, rejoice with him that has the
Gift in operation effortlessly, if possible, present gifts to the fellow as an
expression of your rejoicing and celebration of what he’s got from the LORD,
and that way, you align yourself to receiving it. - Selah
God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye
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