Hello Dearly Beloved, I believe and I know strongly that
this message is gonna big time take away doubts and fears from the hearts of as
many that will read it who are currently in fears and doubts about one aspect
of the faith or the other. This may be you, just give your rapt attention as
you Read, and be slow in Reading because of in between lines Revelations. God
Bless You.
Now, our above opening scripture which we’ve just read above
is very powerful and full of secrets. But I would like us to see them from the
Amplified Version, and there are some vital points I want us to see in that
scripture reading it from the Amplified Bible Translation;
‘You are of your father, the devil, and it is your will to
practice the lusts and gratify the desires [which are characteristic] of your
father, He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the
truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he
speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father
of lies and of all that is false.’
Please notice the different underlined lines in that passage
as I point them out to you;
1- And does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in
2- When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him
3- For he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all
that is false
Did you see that? Let’s examine them one after the other
now. Firstly it says, the devil does not stand on the truth because there is no
truth in him. What a being he is! – Selah. Secondly, when he speaks a falsehood
(what is not true), he speaks what is natural to him. Meaning, telling lies and
falsehoods is the nature of the devil, it is not in the devil to utter truths,
just as it is not in the snake to bark! – Selah. In the book of Genesis, when
you read from the third (3rd) chapter, you’ll see the first lie of
the devil recorded. God said to man, the day you eat of that tree, you shall
surely die! God couldn’t have lied because it is not in God to lie, for His
words are TRUTH {John 14 vs 14}. But
here comes Satan to the woman and says to her, the day you eat of that tree,
you shall not surely die. What? And when she ate of it, she still found herself
alive physically, but in Truth and Reality, she died (Spiritual death;
Separation with God) immediately according to the word of the Lord to them. But
you see? Satan knew what God actually meant when HE said they were gonna die,
so he came deceitfully, interpreting God’s word to her in another direction so
it might look true when she finally eats it, but unfortunately, it was a falsehood!
Thirdly, Satan is a liar himself, and the father of lies and of all that is
God has told you in His word that you have eternal life with
Him already, but here comes Satan telling you softly in your heart that you are
up for condemnation because of your imperfections and weaknesses, lies! God has
told you in His word that by the stripes of His Dear Son Jesus, ye are healed
of all your infirmities, but here comes Satan telling you softly in your heart
that that wound on your leg is gonna swell into rottenness as a result of the
diabetes, and the doctors are gonna have your leg amputated, lies! God has told
you in His word that all things works together for your good, but here comes
Satan telling you softly in your heart that you are gonna get sacked, that
you’re not gonna get that travel paper, lies!
Listen, all the devil wants from you is to yield to what he
is telling you, and one thing that will be swiftly produced in you once you
give ears to his words is FEAR! Once fear steps in, doubts in the precious word
of God set in as well, and once that happens, he is on a successful journey to
getting you off the security of the Word, and bringing you into the perimeter
of destruction. – Selah. But Just like Jesus in the wilderness, we will say
back to him, ‘It is written’, and
that would be all. O Hallelujah!
‘Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed
on thee: because he trusteth in thee.’ – Isaiah 26 vs 3 {KJV}
I love the way the BBE {Bible in Basic English} Translation
puts it;
‘The man whose heart is unmoved you will keep in
peace, because his hope is in you.’
Have you come to that point in God’s word where no matter
what you see or face, or no matter the terror the devil tells you, you are
unmoved in heart? He said, such a man HE will keep in perfect peace because his
hope is in Him. Now, the Greek Rendering for Perfect as used in that scripture
is ,
and in means PEACE. So the scripture is like this;
‘Thou wilt keep him in peace peace, whose mind is stayed on
thee: because he trusteth in thee.’
You see, so by that, God is strongly affirming to us how
great the peace will be when our hearts are unmovable towards His words. Peace Peace,
Great Peace. - Selah
No matter what the devil must have said to you concerning
any aspect of your life, now you’ve seen that they’re all lies and it’s
naturally impossible for the devil to tell the truth, therefore consider them
all false, and keep standing immovably the WORD of God which is forever TRUE.
GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel
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