Hello Dearly Beloved in the Lord Jesus, how are you doing? I
trust that the Lord is doing a perfect job in you. I write this unto you as a
way of reminder, to stir up your knowledge in God’s word about who you are.
Read and be Blessed in Jesus Name. AMEN.
Our opening scripture clearly tells us, we are told that we
are fellow citizens with the saints. But I want us to see that knowledge more
precisely in the book of Philippians 3 vs 20, reading from the ASV {AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION} Bible
‘For our citizenship is in heaven…’- {ASV}
You see that? So by this, we understand what our opening
scripture says, we are fellow citizens of Heaven with the saints who are
currently there including Jesus who is the number one citizen of Heaven. –
My Dear, you know, seeing and allowing scriptures like this daily
go through our minds continuously has a special way it affects us; it literally
causes us to align our thoughts, our words, our actions, our behaviors and
mannerisms with that Heavenly Culture. – Selah. We begin to find out that our
thoughts are transforming from mean to lofty, we begin to find out that our
words are becoming Royalty (Peaceable, Graceful, Polite, Glorious, Blissful,
Charming, Authoritative but not abusive), we find our attributes, our
characters, our behaviors changing from worldly into Heavenly (Godly, Reserved,
Organized, Excellence, Calm, Meek, Lowly, Humble, Pure). – Selah
My Dear, we are beautified daily as we let His glorious
words go through us over and over and all the time. You are a citizen of
Heaven, there is no lack in Heaven, and you carry the mindset and traditions of
where you are from (Heaven), hence you cannot be thinking lack like the rest of
the world, impossible, we are citizens of Heaven! You cannot be thinking sin or
carnality like the rest of the world, impossible, we are citizens of Heaven!
This single short message I have just shared with you if
given proper time in meditation, can change a life forever unto the Glory of
God Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel
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