Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.’ – Ephesians 1 vs 22 – 23
Hello Beloved, I believe this is an interesting topic I am sharing with you, titled ‘THE CHURCH'S AUTHORITY.’ Here we want to see the authority the Church got, according to our opening scripture.
In our opening scripture, we are made to understand that we are the church of Christ as individual personalities. From ages past, a lot of Christians have taught that the place of their worship to God on Sundays was the church, but according to scriptures, it is not so; Paul expounds on that issue in the book of 1 Timothy 3 vs 15,
‘But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.’
When we combine the two (2) underlined lines, we get a full lined sentence, ‘in the house of God, the pillar and ground of the truth.’ So we see that our place of services is really not the church the Bible talks about; we Christians, whether as separate individuals, or as a body when we gather in the house of God, we are the Church of Christ
Now that we know that we are the Church of Christ, what then is our opening scripture ‘Ephesians 1 vs 22 – 23’ saying about us? We will see now in a moment. The Bible likens our relationship with Jesus as to a body, comprising of the head and other members, in which the body cannot function perfectly without a single member; starting from the head to the rest of the body. 1 Corinthians 12 vs 20 throws more lights on it;
‘But now are they many members, yet but one body.’
With this, we can understand our opening scripture properly, ‘And hath put all things under his feet…’ Question? If now we know that we are the members of Christ body, if we now know that we make up the body of Christ, and here the scriptures tells us that God put all things under his feet, question, who is his feet? Answer, we are his feet because the feet is part of the body, therefore, scriptures is telling us that God has put all things under the feet of the church which is us, You and I; Hallelujah! You see, that Ephesians 1 vs 22 – 23 tells us that God made Jesus head of the body, ‘…and gave him to be the head…’ So, imagine that full body, the head is Jesus, and the rest body is us (You and I including the feet), so if the Bible says God has put all things under his feet, it means all things is under our feet! This is inspiring like I told you it would be. The Bible did not say God put some things, but all things! Meaning that cancer, that hiv/aids virus, that ache, that diabetes, that oppression, that spiritual attack, that tuberculosis, that asthma, that ailment is under your feet.
Child of God, when you get to lay hold on this Revelation I am sharing with you, your life will take up a new meaning, Amen.
Child of God, if you ever feel that sickness, that pain, or whatsoever attacks of the devil it may be, simply speak to that condition, call it by name, and tell it to remain where it is, under your feet! And you will experience the victory of the CROSS of Jesus Christ by constantly renewing your mind with that Revelation amidst the trial. Amen.
God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye
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